How to Trim Down without Really Dieting

Too much concern over your figure may lead to an obsession but thinking about it in a different way may just take your mind off the obstacles that go with every dieting tip available. It is quite certain that not all diets work for the right goals the same as knowing individuals who have tried maybe a thousand times and failed.

16.1So, you may clearly think that dieting needs to be internalized to the fullest before you can select the type you want to try for luck. Of course, this one is true; at least. Diets have to conform to your lifestyle just like the way you have to deal with any kind of exercise. If you want to gain excellent returns, then, think of these points:

Drinking water is best

Water is an important liquid we have to take in every day and this liquid gives us a chance to detoxify our body from whatever we take in during meals. Water can also serve as your shield against getting hungry almost all the time. You can get a feeling of being full once you take in more and more water before, during, after and even in between meals.

You can take in cold water to make your body work harder by warming it up down your system. This process makes you burn more calories. During an exercise routine, hydrating with it helps build hormones that help your body to develop muscles.

Know which foods are good for you

You don’t really need to stay away from food; all you need is to curb your appetite each time you see food displayed in front of you. Fastfood stuffs can definitely blow the weighing scale away, so, you have to remind yourself not to skip breakfast. This is a very important meal. You will tend to eat more during lunch to cover up for the missed breakfast.

Stay away from too much carbs and excessive use of condiments. Condiments can make you crave for more as food flavor is enhanced. The following are good examples of food just perfect for you:

  • Apples – Eating an apple before mealtime makes you feel full. It can also help you battle the metabolic syndrome.
  • Pomegranate – Rich in antioxidants, folate and fiber but low in calories.
  • Buckwheat pasta – A healthy alternative for the regular types.
  • Kale – Contains Iron, calcium and fiber.
  • Lentils – Prevents insulin spikes which cause the body to store excess fats on the abdominal area.
  • Blueberries – Delivers a good amount of fiber and gives the highest level of antioxidants compared to other fruits.
  • Steak –This is a good source of protein. Get the organic ones.

Learn to control portions

Never indulge as if there’s no food reserved for you eat tomorrow. It is true that a person does not live by bread alone but you can also eat some meat and try to avoid foods that will make you fat in one sitting. Be mindful on your calorie intake for each meal and know what alternative food you can eat on behalf of those that have high calorie count.

You may eat more than your target calorie intake in one meal but you can take lesser portions on the next. What is important is to get the right nutrition in a day. If done regularly, who needs another diet regimen?

Get enough (not just a few hours) sleep

Sleep deprivation leads more food intake. There’s this notion that when we lack sleep, we need to revitalize ourselves by eating more; more so, if we are doing something important that can’t put up for the next day. Get yourself to sleep to revitalize the body. The more we do, the more we can stay away from splurging on food. Celebrities and doctors have used this therapy all along. Imagine consuming more than 300 calories if your body is not rested!

Lazy SlobSpend lesser time watching TV

TV time during weekends or before going to sleep is relaxing time for many of us. But it can be noted that the more we watch TV shows, the more we crave for food as we see food advertisements.  The tendency to call for food delivery service is a tested and proven threat when a person is trying his best to lose weight. With this, you may remind yourself to hold on and be good as you are still going to feed yourself with a treat the following day.

Choose antioxidant drinks over soda

Drinks that contain antioxidants may be a good answer to your weight problem. This is a good reason why many individuals have found relief in drinking green tea. This type of tea boosts metabolism which is good for weight loss. Just avoid other drinks that contain a good amount of sugar as it will not give you a positive result. You may try fresh juices at home but limit your intake as well. Anything to the excess may still hurt you. Fruits also contain sugar that can turn into starch.

Go with friends who have the same goals as you do

We know that you got a lot of friends with whom you go out with from time to time. It is advisable, however, that you go with the ones who are on the same mode as you are in—planning on losing weight. At this point, you cannot afford to bond with people with varied interests as you may opt to try what they are trying or do what they are doing. Decide on a time when meeting up and please don’t choose a place which can make you drool.

Make it a habit to exercise regularly

lose weightDon’t forget to encourage yourself to exercise even a bit. Just a few minutes will do some wonders for you as long as it is done on a regular basis. Opt for something that can trim your waistline or shed some pounds off the limbs. While you are on the process, the rest of the body may trim down as well.

Not all diet plans are acceptable to everybody after a few weeks of dieting; thus, creating an objectionable attitude towards the ‘challenge’ itself. Anything that comes from the mind is what the rest of the body follows and it goes to show that positive changes which come from within may be the best diet plan to undertake.



10 Requisites Fitness Trainers Cannot Do Without

14.1Is it possible that some online health gurus are not practicing what they preach? This question might have bothered you at times but never did take the chance of asking a friend about it. While there are people who glorify fitness writers, there appears to be several who are not impressed at all.

Nobody sees them as they write their blogs unless they create videos complete with details like date and time they recorded a particular routine. Liberally, you could think of them as individuals who have fat bellies and just writing blogs for the sake of earning!

This goes to show that majority of those interested in losing weight or building muscles are more into visiting fitness centers rather than reading blogs found to be more theoretical than real. This could be a daunting situation most especially when you are in dire need to slash off some weight.

To find out what they are made of, researching is the best way to prove that the spreading rumors are wrong. You can get highly credible information anytime or better yet, look for listings of establishments which offer fitness programs. These places might just give you some hints.

Where you can find facts:

  • Fitness centers – This is a place where you can see fitness gurus, exercise implements and actual people who practice fit lifestyles. There are skilled personnel who can guide you to achieve your goal.
  • Fitness eBooks – These books may provide you insights on what to expect in a fitness program or a fitness gym. Images of ideal exercise centers are displayed to give you an idea which does not fit you or what is best for your type of lifestyle.
  • Fitness trainers – Certified trainers can teach you the right things to do and what practices to avoid. These licensed individuals were trained to deliver positive results to their clients.
  • Fitness videos – Here you will see how exercise regimens are done. With an able instructor in front of you teaching a procedure step-by-step, answers to your plea for training and fitness may be just what you will get.

Here are the 10 vital characteristics required of fitness trainers:

1. Ability to differentiate age brackets: There is always a target audience in everything that is presented. Without it, no good outcome may result. Age levels vary as well as the capacity to do follow routines. A wise trainer knows which type of people can use the treadmill or who can tackle exercising for weeks.

2. Knowing how to motivate: A good trainer knows how to create a reason for a client to get on to his aim. He knows how to appreciate what he does and that is a big factor in further motivating him to exert more effort.

3. Able to present an environment: Any place can become an ideal fitness environment if the trainer is good at presenting it. It can also be at home or in parks as long as the ambiance is favorable to the learner. A real trainer can help you focus on what needs to be done and not on other things seen in either background or foreground.

4. Knows the relevance of trust: Trust is an important factor when it comes to trainer-learner relationship. Once sincerity is seen on the person teaching you how to do things, the rest of the program would be easier to handle.

5. Owns a well-organized system: A systematic kind of person can only teach in a systematic way. An excellent trainer knows which routine goes first and not capable of directing exercise enthusiasts to step 5 and going back to step 3 just because he forgot passing through it.

6. Certified to teach: There has to be a skill in teaching fitness. Therefore, ask for a certificate or proof of skills training or else, forget about exercise as you have to undergo another therapy to treat your strained muscles. Be sure that where they came from is accredited by NCCA.

7. Employs two-way communication: Communication is a two way street; expect an exchange of ideas before, during or after with your trainer. This is where he will find out if you have any difficulties in your regimen.

8. Must have years of experience to his name: Experience can teach us well and good. Find an instructor who has been on the job for several years. This is your guarantee that you are in good hands.

9. Knowledgeable in dealing with emergency cases: There are trainers who are more than capable to resolve emergency situations while on the job. Search for one who knows how to perform CPR if you have a medical condition.

10. More than just a trainer: A trainer knows how to build relationships. Good public relations practiced by an exercise guru can only mean more clients to his name. Moreover, there are some who treat their client as a friend which can be a start of good rapport.

Highlighting the significance of a lasting impression

14.2What you can see at first glance may not leave your mind anymore. The impression that you can get out of your fitness trainer may influence your decision. This has caused some people to back out from their gym enrollment as they don’t see their trainer as a fit example of a fitness expert.

Practicing what is being preached is a sure come-on for other individuals interested in shedding off pounds or building muscles. If you see a trainer smoking, eating extravagantly or manhandling a gym patron, you may want to ask yourself if this person is whom you have paid to teach you healthy habits and routines.